Thursday, 16 January 2014

Second day...a Winner!

We have a winner!

Well to say that I might've picked up the incorrect child today was a complete breath of fresh air...what a freaking relief!

The day went totally well and better then what I expected.

Little Mamou had fun at school with her 3 best friends and made new friends at the aftercare. Still keeping fingers crossed the days remain nicely subdued so I can focus on blogging and hopefully start to gear myself up to starting a new business venture to work-from-home.

I know it's becoming the increasing trend but I'm so wanting to be part of that statistic (normally I'm not one to walk with the majority but for once, I'm all there).
I am done with traffic, I'm done with office politics, I'm done with bosses (my last boss was my father, so not a walk in the park).
I think I've earned myself the respect to take that bold leap into the unknown. I have now mustered up the Will and Guts to give this a go, fuelled by passion, ambition and a 'stubborn-as-hell' attitude.

So the more Little Mamou settles into this incredibly new and completely different routine, the easier it will be for me to focus on getting my ass off these corporate office chairs and time to start creating a new little office for myself at home and get this show off the ground.
My mind has not stopped processing for the last 2 days and I'm now more than ever determined to make this all more being a chicken-sh#t, time to pull up these big girl panties of mine and give this new venture a whirl!!

Right, time to call it a night. I am definitely ending this day off with a smile. I'm plenty of hours behind of sleep and will need to catch up with a few afternoon naps this weekend, squeezed in between activities, to give this poor mind and body a reboot. Eyes are getting sleeeppyyyy....zzzzz.

Nightie Night.

Love and Light
Candi K

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